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4 Tips for Wearing Invisalign During the Holidays

4 Tips for Wearing Invisalign During the Holidays

December 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplyorthosct @ 9:46 pm
Invisalign in Dayville in front of Christmas lights

Invisalign is the best way to straighten your smile while enjoying the holiday season. Their removable, nearly invisible nature means that they won’t get in the way of all the fun and festivities. However, don’t let all the good times distract you from your orthodontic treatment and delay your timeline! It’s essential that you take a few simple but important precautions to ensure your smile continues to be straightened into the new year. Here are four practical tips to help you keep your Invisalign treatment on track as you enjoy the holiday season!

1.) Always Make Time for Brushing & Flossing

Between putting up decorations, sending out Christmas cards and finding the perfect gift, the holiday season can be a busy one. However, that doesn’t mean you get to slack off on your oral hygiene! Make sure you’re taking the time to brush your teeth for a full two minutes twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and keeping your aligners clean. It may be tempting to let these simple habits slide during the holiday rush, but they’re your first defense against cavities, gum disease and a range of other oral health conditions. This is especially true since there are usually plenty of seasonal sweets and holiday treats around this time of year!

2.) Wear Your Aligners for 20-22 Hours Every Day

Your aligners only work if you wear them. While you’ll probably be taking your aligners out a little more frequently than usual during the holidays, remember to wear your aligners for at least 20-22 hours every day. The constant pressure from the aligners is essential for gradually shifting your teeth into their ideal positions. If you don’t wear them often enough, they may begin to drift out of place, which would increase the length and cost of your treatment.

3.) Don’t Snack or Drink with Your Aligners In

While removing your aligners is what allows you to eat whatever you like throughout your treatment, it can feel like a hassle every now and then. Even if you just want to take a few sips of your favorite fall-flavored beverage or eat that last bite of sugar cookie, you need to remove your aligners. Foods and drinks can break, bend or warp your aligners. Not only does this make your aligners uncomfortable to wear, but it can end up moving your teeth into the wrong positions! Always take your aligners out before eating or drinking anything that isn’t water.

4.) Always Keep Your Aligner Storage Case with You

You’re a lot more likely to take out your aligners when you need to if you keep your storage case with you. Your storage case is the safest place to keep your aligners whenever you’re not wearing them. Wrapping your aligners up in a napkin or leaving them out somewhere may seem convenient at the time, but it makes it all to easy to accidentally leave your aligners behind or throw them out. They may even become a toy for a nearby pet or child!

Invisalign is an easy and convenient way to get the orthodontic treatment you need while still fully enjoying the holiday season. Keep these simple tips in mind to make sure you stay on track for your new smile!

About the Practice

Simply Orthodontics is proud to help the families of Dayville and the surrounding communities achieve the happy, healthy smiles they deserve. Our team of highly trained orthodontists offers a wide range of services to help every kind of smile get the personalized care they need. We’ll be with you every step of the way during your Invisalign treatment to ensure your treatment is as comfortable, effective, and cost-effective as possible. To learn more, we can be contacted online or at (860) 774-2008.